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Family Legacy Films

Grandfather with grandchild

Give your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren the gift of roots and values by preserving your own life story so they can discover the motivations and dreams that made your family successful.

Top 5 reasons to preserve your Family Legacy or that of your loved ones:

  1. Create a priceless family heirloom: Share the story behind your success, your achievements, and your struggles so your children and other family members can continue to learn from you, during and beyond your lifetime.
  2. Pass down your Values: Over the years you’ve developed an important life philosophy and set of values that will be beneficial for future generations, helping them to achieve happiness and success.
  3. We make it easy: With our guided self-reflection process to help you crystalize the stories and values you want to share and the relaxed, low-pressure setting we create during the interview and filming process.
  4. Ensure the success of rising generations: Your family legacy film will help to provide present and future generations with a roadmap to a sound future.
Mother with daughter

The perfect way to honor your parents, grandparents, or other loved ones!

Grandfather with adult granddaughter